Tuesday, October 25, 2005

Narrowing tastes?

S'funny, my judgements on whether to see films or not are now pretty snap: I honestly never gave 10 seconds thought to actually seeing The Island despite the presence of 2 fave actors of mine, but a gawky, geeky little film like Thumbsucker - marketed using the Sideways/Huckabees template - pretty much has me at hello.

Wonder how many You, Me and Everyone We Knows i have to see before I learn my lesson?


Beautiful pretentious quote, btw, from director Mike Mills in the above article:
"The marketing thing pissed me off. It shows deep disregard for the audience, for life."
and then, later, the interviewer notes:
"I have to pop out of the room where we are talking. When I return, he is filming the bubbles in my drink with a tiny digital camera."

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