Recently, there's been a bit of an internet buzz around the newly released
Creative Zen Vision:M, which is Creative's answer to the ViPod. Both products have a great deal in common, e.g. same height/width dimensions, same screen dimensions, practically identical menu look and layout... Here are some of the distinguishing features though.
Advantages (of the M):- supports DivX, XVid, Mpeg4, etc natively, meaning that you don't have to convert TV/movies before uploading
- much longer battery life (14 hours music, 4 hours video)
- FM radio
- screen can show 4 x the number of colours of the ViPod, with every review saying that this makes it brighter and more vibrant
Disadvantages:- almost twice as thick as the ViPod
- no iTunes integration (and I like iTunes)
- the bottom half looks much lamer than the ViPod (the top half looks exactly the same)
- $30 more expensive
- not Apple
The thing is, all the disadvantages are one-offs (the extra $30 is upfront, you get used to its look, thickness and its software, but the conversion thing can become a deal-breaker. I still have flashbacks to my first MP3 player from 5 years ago - one of those Sony memory stick players - the user experience was awful, because of all the format conversion (Sony didn't support MP3 natively back then), the DRM and terrible, buggy software.
Savs, as a ViPod owner, could you provide an insight as to how big a deal the converting is?